Saturday, July 27, 2024  |

Holly Holm is just taking it all in


Holly Holm is just taking it all in

Holly Holm simply wants to enjoy her stunning knockout victory over Ronda Rousey last weekend and everything that goes with it while it’s all happening.

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Commentary: Holm’s upset of Rousey is her victory, not boxing’s

Holly Holm had her “Buster Douglas moment” upsetting Ronda Rousey to win the UFC bantamweight title but the former boxer’s victory belongs to her, not boxing.

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Can former boxing champ Holly Holm upset Ronda Rousey?

Boxers, even former champs, have failed miserably when fighting MMA. Can Holly Holm snap boxing’s MMA jinx by upsetting the seemingly invincible Ronda Rousey?

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