Saturday, July 27, 2024  |

Katsuma Akitsugi scores stoppage win over Eduardo Ramirez Rubio in nine rounds


Katsuma Akitsugi scores stoppage win over Eduardo Ramirez Rubio in nine rounds

Katsuma Akitsugi is beginning to make a name for himself at 118 pounds. Akitsugi broke down Eduardo Ramirez Rubio before ending...

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Katsuma Akitsugi and Jesus Ramirez Rubio clash in crossroads bout in Florida

Katsuma Akitsugi and Jesus Ramirez Rubio know a lot is on the line, which could make their clash that much...

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Fight Night Program – Week of July 4-10

The weekend is approaching, and from Friday to Sunday it will be “fight-o-clock” somewhere in the world. Every Thursday, The...

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Darren Cunningham looks to make his mark at 122 pounds versus Angel Contreras

On Friday, junior featherweight prospect Darren Cunningham looks to make the most of improving his team and himself with a win over Angel Contreras.

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