Saturday, July 27, 2024  |



Dougie’s Monday mailbag

Fighters Network


Happy New Year Dougie!

Thank god 2016 is over, it was easily the worst boxing year I’ve witnessed in my 30 years watching boxing; 2017 on the other hand seems to be starting off on the right track. Danny Garcia vs Keith Thurman and GGG vs Danny Jacobs have me salivating, also call me crazy but the possibility of Canelo vs Chavez Jr.  also has me very excited. As a Mexican it’s the type of grudge match that will get us as a country talking boxing for weeks. Anthony Joshua vs Klitschko, DeGale vs Badou Jack, the Framton-Santa Cruz rematch, you name it, there’s a lot coming and thats good for the sport.

Now, I know this is a boxing forum but I do want to talk about Ronda Rousey. Her KO destruction in the hands of Amanda Nunes was hard to watch. It’s always sad to see a former mighty fighter fall hard like Rousey did. People talking smack about her should be expected and even though every fighter should be respected just for the fact that they stepped inside the ring, we also can’t deny how disrespectful, arrogant and flat out a bully she was when she was dominating. Wasn’t she the one who said she would woop Floyd Mayweather and then got outboxed twice by women fighters? Thats how arrogant she was which reminds me of another arrogant bastard who will probably end up as her, Conor McGreggor. I find it funny that he keeps talking about fighting Floyd Mayweather who is a much smaller fighter than him (155-170 v 147).  Why don’t we hear him challenging GGG or Canelo? Guess what would happen there… probably get his head blown off the country.

Back to boxing, I’m really excited about what’s coming, almost as excited as when the PBC was announced (you remember that). Hopefully we have a great boxing year and also you and you’re family have an awesome 2017. Cheers! – Juan Valverde, San Diego

Thanks for the well wishes Juan. Of course, I remember your unbridled enthusiasm for the PBC at the start of 2015. (That didn’t last very long, did it?) Before I curb your enthusiasm for 2017 (like a jerk), I feel the need to point out that your rant on Rousey and McGregor totaled 173 words, while your entire opening graph about 2016 sucking and all of the anticipated BOXING matchups of 2017 only totaled 109 words.

I’m not bringing this up to give you a hard time, because I’m perfectly fine with boxing fans also following MMA and occasionally talking about the “other combat sport” on boxing forums. However, there’s so much hate for Rousey and THE RING caught so much hell for putting her on the cover prior to her loss to Holly Holm (and more than a few RING/ readers get upset whenever they see UFC coverage on our various platforms) that I must point out that as long a boxing fans hold collective hard-ons for MMA and/or its superstars, those subjects are going to find their way on screen or in the pages of RING.

Somebody (@RopeADopeRadio) Tweeted this to me yesterday: “(Rousey) had no business being on the cover & u know it but I get it from a marketing standpoint”

My reply (in three Tweets): “I woulda agreed w/ you 2 years ago but #boxing fans were buzzing about her in comment sections BEFORE she was on the cover

“I would see comments – pro & con – about Rousey under my mailbags even when she or UFC or MMA wasn’t brought up in the column

“Since Rousey was featured on the cover, I’ve seen other UFC stars, mainly Conor McGregor, talked about in #boxing comments.”

People talking smack about her should be expected and even though every fighter should be respected just for the fact that they stepped inside the ring, we also can’t deny how disrespectful, arrogant and flat out a bully she was when she was dominating. I don’t follow MMA, so I don’t have a reliable perspective on Rousey’s personality, career or her UFC run/title reign. The last time I watched one of her bouts in its entirety, she was still fighting in Strikeforce (on Showtime) and she just about broke some poor gal’s arm in half before the fight was stopped. It wasn’t my cup of tea and neither is MMA (although I appreciate all the kind folks who continue to invite me to UFC fight parties). However, from what I’ve seen from Rousey’s highlights (and I’ve seen plenty of those) – pre-fight, post-fight and during the combat – she just seems like a very intense competitor who doesn’t always exhibit sports(wo)manlike behavior. She doesn’t seem any different from the prime Fernando Vargas (who often shoved his opponents at press conferences and weigh-ins, and once spat on a guy he decked in the ring) or nearly as nasty as James Toney or a dozen other surly male boxers who were quite popular in their day. We both come from cultures that often celebrate “badasses.” I have to wonder if Rousey’s gender plays a significant role in some of the public’s disdain for her (and her “arrogance”).

Wasn’t she the one who said she would woop Floyd Mayweather and then got outboxed twice by women fighters? Did that statement (however it was worded) really get under your skin? I gotta be honest, man, I think any dude that was profoundly upset by Rousey saying that has issues.

That’s how arrogant she was which reminds me of another arrogant bastard who will probably end up as her, Conor McGregor. I don’t have a problem with McGregor. He talks the talk (which gets a bit tiresome) but he also walks the walk. So what if he eventually gets KTFO like Rousey? As long as he’s challenging himself by fighting the best available competition in (and as is often the case, above) his weight class – and he makes for exciting/dramatic fights while doing so – he keeps his honor in my book (win, lose or draw). Same goes for Rousey. She took on the top lioness in her division after being KTFO in her previous bout. She could have faced a push-over, but she went for the gusto. Something tells me that you (and others) would have more respect for that move if it were made by a male boxer or MMA fighter.

I find it funny that he keeps talking about fighting Floyd Mayweather who is a much smaller fighter than him (155-170 v 147). I find it funny that hardcore MMA and boxing fans continue to talk about the matchup as though it were legit.  

Why don’t we hear him challenging GGG or Canelo? Because he wants to make an obscene amount of money in a boxing match without getting bludgeoned into submission. It ain’t hard to figure.

Thank god 2016 is over, it was easily the worst boxing year I’ve witnessed in my 30 years watching boxing; Oh, come on, it wasn’t THAT bad.

2017 on the other hand seems to be starting off on the right track. Don’t jinx the New Year like you did the poor PBC!

Danny Garcia vs Keith Thurman and GGG vs Danny Jacobs have me salivating, also call me crazy but the possibility of Canelo vs Chavez Jr.  also has me very excited. I don’t want to be a Dougie Downer, but Thurman-Garcia could turn out to be a stinker, Golovkin could blitz Jacobs, and Junior’s sorry ass could come in so heavy that the fight gets cancelled. I don’t know if you’re a Larry David fan, but CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM. Just a bit. Chances are good that Thurman-Garcia produces some fireworks, Jacobs gives GGG a fight and Canelo and Chavez appease their loyal Mexican fanbases with a barnburner.




As always, I hope you and the family had a great Christmas and New Years. All the best in 2017!  Now with the recent rumblings and rumoured confirmation of the Canelo vs. Chavez fight for May 6, 2017, I have some thoughts and questions.

First, as a self-admitted and proud Canelo fan, I was taken aback by the initial chatter, as it is a fight in my mind that’s time has long passed and frankly, not at all a matchup I thought was feasible given the weight disparity and the recent direction of their respective careers. Furthermore, my disgust for Chavez’ seemingly lack of respect for the sport and his opponents really had me scratching my head and may have skewed my objectivity. So here is my thought process and I anticipate many fans have also gone through something similar.

First, and foremost, whether we want to admit it or not boxing is a business, therefore, it is Golden Boy’s job as Canelo’s promoter to put on the biggest ‘Events’ possible generating the most revenue as possible.  Who else other than GGG can he fight that creates the ‘Event’ this fight does? Two Mexican fighters with sizeable followings on Cinco De Mayo. Sure, there are other more interesting fights from a purists perspective, Charlo, Andrade, Saunders (maybe), but the pure magnitude of this ‘Event’ is attractive.

Similarity, this is prizefighting and these warriors we all love, have short careers and all too often are left with nothing once their careers are over.  So, I get one of Golden Boy’s duties and more importantly Canelo’s team’s job is to get him the best fights from a popularity, globalization, monetary, legacy, winnable and growth balance.

This is a fight that will allow Canelo to gain back most of the respect he lost amongst his Mexican fans. He is fighting another Mexican with a big name amongst Mexicans and confusingly, a strong fan base still, on one of the biggest national days. Not to mention the fight stylistically, will be exciting.

Now, many fans obviously don’t care about the reality of the economic side of the business, and that is entirely within their right. All they seemingly care about is the actual fight. Well, this fight has excitement written all over it. Chavez comes forward is an aggressive, strong, bearded, pressure fighter and Canelo is a very good boxer/puncher and counter puncher at heart. So the fight is going to be action packed.  Looking ahead, if we trust that Canelo-GGG is to come off in September, which seems to be the plan, who else can Canelo fight to prepare him for GGG’s pressure? No, Chavez is not even close in terms of skill or ring generalship amongst other things in comparison to GGG, but his constant pressure, size, and durability provides Canelo with good preparation for some of the similar things GGG brings. It might be a stretch, but I don’t see anyone else that can really prepare him any better.

So considering all of these factors, I have warmed up to the fight.  Again, big events with the potential of an exciting fight is great for the sport. Also, if the Canelo-GGG fight comes off after, then I certainly don’t have an issue with this fight as a stay busy/get ready fight. My concern as a Canelo fan is it is highly risky. For one, Chavez has both a massive weight and height advantage. They are moving up 13 pounds heavier than Canelo had ever previously fought as and 3 inches in height. Chavez is a big guy.

Along the same line, Chavez can’t be trusted. My gut tells me he intentionally comes in overweight at the weigh-in, knowing Golden Boy not Canelo would cancel the fight and risk more backlash. Just don’t trust the angles.

What are your thoughts, assuming the fight is made? Is my concern valid? Do you see the fight as being risky for Canelo? Thanks Dougie, keep grinding. – Vretz

To be honest, V., I haven’t really given this potential matchup much thought. It’s not a done deal (yet) and I’ve been cold on Chavez Jr. for several years, so I don’t care to analyze it all that much as it doesn’t excite me as much as it obviously excites you. But that’s OK. You don’t have to explain yourself or rationalize the matchup to me or anyone else. If you’re into it, you’re into it. We both know that you’re not alone. So from my perspective, you’re totally overthinking and over-analyzing this matchup. It’s just a fun fight that obviously appeals the very large and loyal Mexican demographic of boxing fans.

Canelo, a bona-fide Mexican star who is a polarizing figure in his native country but has a dedicated fan base in parts of the U.S. (mainly Texas), usually makes for entertaining fights when he shares the ring with aggressive, flat-footed fighters. Chavez Jr., the son of a Mexican legend who still has some dedicated fans and usually does strong ratings, is an aggressive fighter. There’s a lot of pride on the line in this matchup, so we gotta figure both fighters are gonna deliver in the ring. It would probably do record TV ratings in Mexico, strong PPV numbers in the U.S., and it could fill AT&T Stadium in Texas, which is saying something. There’s no need to explain why this fight is being considered. 

Who else other than GGG can he fight that creates the ‘Event’ this fight does? A rematch with Erislandy Lara or a showdown with Andrade or one of the Charlos would do huge business, according a few “fanagers” out there in the Twitterverse, but if you ask any SANE boxing observer he or she will tell you the truth: Nobody.

Similarity, this is prizefighting and these warriors we all love, have short careers and all too often are left with nothing once their careers are over. OK, stop weeping and put away the violin, Mr. Compassion. Let’s not pretend that Canelo, or Chavez Jr. for that matter, is a journeyman or potential hard-luck case. He’s a multi-millionaire who is more than 10 years into his pro career. He’s set for life, and so is Junior. If either somehow squanders their fortune that’s on them. Don’t blame boxing or their promoters.

This is a fight that will allow Canelo to gain back most of the respect he lost among his Mexican fans. Can you really say that on behalf of all Mexican fans? Who went and made you Montezuma? How can Canelo gain back any respect he may have lost by not fighting Golovkin on the WBC’s timeline (and for dumping the WBC title) by fighting a guy who has arguably lost MORE respect among Mexican fans? Junior has fought five times since losing to Sergio Martinez in September 2012: two decisions over Brian Vera (the first of which was a gift), a stoppage/quit job against Andrzej Fonfara, and decisions over Marcos Reyes and Dominik Britsch. Did he look THAT good against Reyes or Britsch? Has he defeated a legit top 10 contender between the losses to Martinez and Fonfara?

Looking ahead, if we trust that Canelo-GGG is to come off in September, which seems to be the plan, who else can Canelo fight to prepare him for GGG’s pressure? Oh good grief, nobody – least of all Junior’s big plodding ass – is going to prepare Canelo for what Golovkin brings to their potential showdown. Chavez Sr.’s 54-year-old ass would do a better job giving Canelo a taste of the GGG treatment than Junior.



Hey Dougie,

Happy New Year. Looking forward to another year of boxing and your thoughts on all the big fights. Anyway, I know I’m getting way ahead of myself here, but I found myself thinking about Gennady Golovkin and whether it can almost be assumed that eventually he’ll move up to light heavyweight.

Let’s assume that he beats Daniel Jacobs and Canelo. There isn’t much left for him at middleweight except collecting the last belt (assuming Canelo doesn’t get to it first and then lose it against GGG) and breaking B-Hop’s defense record (which he is already within striking distance of).

At that point, it seems logical to move up to super middleweight …except in terms of big fights, super middleweight is even more barren of talent than middleweight. The winner of DeGale-Jack would be a good matchup for GGG, as would Gilberto Ramirez since the Mexican fan base could be tapped into. Beyond that, what else is left in this division except collecting the last belt? Maybe a fight with Chris Eubank Jr. at either this weight or middleweight, but that’s about all I can think of.

Which begs the question, would GGG then move up to light heavyweight (or maybe fight Andre Ward at a catch-weight). I know these are a lot of talented names I’ve tossed out there and I shouldn’t assume GGG will just beat them, except that’s exactly what I’m doing. I think some of these guys could push him, but I don’t think any of them will beat him. GGG is a lot like Marvin Hagler to me: strong, KO power, good chin, excellent at cutting off the ring, good ring IQ, and good boxing skills (I rate Hagler as more skilled and GGG as having more brute strength). It took Hagler a long time to get the big fights, and the same thing happened with GGG. With Kell Brook and now Daniel Jacobs, I think GGG is now turning that corner, because he is becoming too big to ignore. But either way, if GGG is like Hagler (sans the moving up in weight if that happens), then I don’t expect many guys to be able to defeat him.

Light heavyweight would be another story though. There is some serious talent in that division these days. Could GGG could actually hang with the big boys of that weight class? He’s freakishly strong, no question ….but enough to hurt and withstand punches from the likes of Stevenson and Kovalev and Beterbiev (who will probably be a much bigger name by the time GGG made a possible move up to light heavyweight)?

Then again it’s also entirely possible that GGG ages out before a move to light heavyweight becomes feasible, making this all moot. Curious as always to hear your thoughts. – Doug

Well, Dougster my lad, I hate to sound like a broken record but I’m just not thinking about potential fights and hypothetical moves by certain fighters as much you, Vretz and other hardcore heads have. I don’t really have much to say about Golovkin fighting at light heavyweight. Given GGG’s craft, experience, solid chin and heavy hands, I can envision him competing at 175 pounds one day (even if he only weighs in around 169 or 170). But I see no reason to spend a lot of time pontificating on how Golovkin would fare against current top light heavyweights when he’s going to be fighting at 160 pounds for at least another year and will likely spend some time at 168 pounds before even considering a move to 175.

Also, I think his next fight, against Jacobs in NYC, is an interesting matchup and significant local event, and the potential matchups lined up after March 18 (from Canelo at 160 to Zurdo at 168) are even bigger showdowns. If some of the opponents you brought up (the DeGale-Jack winner and Eubank Jr.), or even Chavez Jr., become available, GGG’s dance card will be filled through 2018 (perhaps beyond).

There’s no guarantee Golovkin, Ward, Kovalev, or even Beterbiev, will still be around or world-class by 2019. So let’s just enjoy whatever we get from GGG in 2017.

Let’s assume that he beats Daniel Jacobs and Canelo. You can neeeeeeever do that in boxing.

There isn’t much left for him at middleweight except collecting the last belt (assuming Canelo doesn’t get to it first and then lose it against GGG) and breaking B-Hop’s defense record (which he is already within striking distance of). I may be in the minority, but I think those are worthy goals.

GGG is a lot like Marvin Hagler to me: strong, KO power, good chin, excellent at cutting off the ring, good ring IQ, and good boxing skills (I rate Hagler as more skilled and GGG as having more brute strength). Two notes about Hagler (who helped bring me back to boxing and set me on the path of hardcore fandom with his war with Tommy Hearns and superfight with Sugar Ray Leonard): there wasn’t any pressure for him to challenge light heavyweight champ Michael Spinks, and nobody gave him s__t for fighting Roberto Duran, Hearns and Leonard, even though those badasses were coming up in weight to challenge him.



Hey Doug, I hope the holidays have been good to you and your family…

I was just reading the Friday mailbag and in your response to the first letter regarding the DeGale/Badou fight, you said,

However, I won’t be shocked or even surprised if the British boxer does enough to win in the eyes of most observers but still loses on the official scorecards. (Vegas is Vegas and Jack is a Mayweather Promotions fighter.)”.

But the fight is in Brooklyn at Barclay’s Center (just bought my tickets… It’ll be my first fight in person and I’m very excited!). With that said, do you still think the judges will be as biased as they would be in Mayweather’s backyard of Vegas? Also, are you coming out to see it?

I just moved to Brooklyn and with all the good fights coming to NYC in early 2017 (this one, Thurman/Garcia, Golovkin/Jacobs), I’ll be spending lots of coin on tickets… It would be cool to catch you and talk shop over a beer or two.

Take care, and I hope you and your family have a great 2017. – Thavius

Thanks Thavius. Well, it’s official. I’m punchy.

I was aware that DeGale-Jack takes place in Brooklyn, but my brain failed me last week. I recall there had been some talk of the fight landing in Vegas for a time before it settled at Barclays Center and I guess my cloudy mind pulled Sin City out while compiling the mailbag. Stay tuned for more f__k ups in 2017 as I lose what’s left of my intellect.

I apologize to Jack and Mayweather Promotions for the mistake, but not to Las Vegas (if the officials there can go one year without botching a high-profile fight I’ll cut ‘em some slack but ‘till then…)

With that said, do you still think the judges will be as biased as they would be in Mayweather’s backyard of Vegas? No, I don’t think the officials in New York will bend over as much as those in Nevada would, but there still could be some bias for Jack as boxing folks want to keep Mayweather happy in case he decides to make a comeback.

Also, are you coming out to see it? No. I’ll be staying home for that one.

I just moved to Brooklyn and with all the good fights coming to NYC in early 2017 (this one, Thurman/Garcia, Golovkin/Jacobs), I’ll be spending lots of coin on tickets… It would be cool to catch you and talk shop over a beer or two. I’ll be in town for Golovkin-Jacobs. Don’t be a stranger.



Email Fischer at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter at @dougiefischer