Saturday, July 27, 2024  |


Mosley says Don King won’t stop Mayorga rematch

Fighters Network

Boxing, the theater of the unexpected. That goes for the goings-on inside the ring and maybe double for outside the ring stuff. Shane Mosley is living that reality as we speak, as he readies himself for an Aug. 29 comeback fight, against tobaccanist-pugilist Ricardo Mayorga.

You see, Mosley is pulling double duty, as main event favorite and promoter…and you can even widen it out to triple duty, as he’s a potent force as a publicity agent on social media.

If it isn’t a tall enough hurdle wearing all those caps and going up against Godzilla Haymon, who has an ESPN card the same night, add some Don King trickeration to the mix.

Mosley has been informed that King is putting a claim on the services of Mayorga, who functioned as his top client not that long ago. Their contract lapsed, or so it seems…but King furnished documents which say Mayorga is still his fighter. Mosley has countered, hard, with a nasty flurry back at The Don. The 43-year-old Mosley, now a top pound for pound follow on twitter among boxers, talked to me about the King move.

Mosley, will King’s claim on the Nicaraguan mess up the main event Aug. 29?

“Yeah, he’s trying, but it won’t work,” Mosley told me. Mosley said he has some of the best lawyers in the biz looking at documents which King claims prove Mayorga re-upped with him and can’t fight without his approval. The fighter thinks the signatures look fishy on the docs, and wouldn’t be surprised if the contract was null because of what he alleges are red flag discrepancies. He told me he thinks King has gotten “cocky and sloppy” and finds it “ironic that it will be a fighter not even signed to him” who will put in motion a KO blow to the iconic, high-haired dealmaker, boxing’s Barnum for the ages. “His reputation preceeds him so this is an uphill battle for King!” Mosley said, in closing.

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