Saturday, July 27, 2024  |


Dougie’s FAT Friday Mail Bag

Fighters Network


What's up dude? Looks like you went on a world tour in one week. I still remember watching Justin Fortune getting the screws put to him by Lennox Lewis back in the day. No one at the time knew that Double L would be a top 10 to 15 Heavyweight when it was all over with.

Carmen San Diego has been less well hidden than Lionel Butler. He was one of a couple of Tysonesque fighters from the nineties with Burt Cooper being the other one. Maybe you could arrange a box off between Butler, Cooper and McCall and call it the COCAINE BOWL. Naaw, that would probably get you an a$$ kicking, LOL!

(p.s. Happy belated B-Day playboy!) Holla back! — Fleetwood St. Louis, Mo.

Thanks Fleet. Believe it or not, I think Butler has enough left to spring an upset on a lesser heavyweight prospect or an unsuspecting veteran who assumes the fatman is just showing up for a payday. He still has those heavy hands. Remember when he KO’d Tony Tubbs with a single punch that landed in the final second of the first round? (It happened so quick fans watching on USA’s Tuesday Night Fights saw Tubbs drop like a ton of bricks right before the show went to commercial and when the broadcast resumed Butler was being announced the winner by first-round KO.)

Fortune’s fight with Lewis was on network TV. I believe it was Double L’s first fight after getting caught by Oliver McCall (and his first bout with Emanuel Steward as his trainer). All I can remember about that fight was that actor Liam Neeson (who they said had an amateur boxing background) was in the audience and Lewis landed three consecutive MONSTER uppercuts to Fortune’s jaw (in the fourth round, I think) and the Aussie never left his feet (although he was hurt and the ref wisely stepped in).

Fortune runs a cool gym. If I ever get back to training again, I think his gym is where I will land.


Happy B-lated Birthday you old fart! Haha, just teasing. I'm only 9 years your junior. I ain't trying to kiss your pony tail but dude, you don't look a day over 30, or is it all that TV makeup?

Anyway, great article:

For those who aren't familiar with your SoCal notebook columns that's a perfect example of what they are all about. — Jorge, San Diego

You can consider that column the equivalent of my Southern California Notebook, Jorge. I plan to do a lot more just like it over the summer.

And, no, I don’t do too much makeup.


Great article. We were starving for one worse than you were before you got some Chili's in your stomach. I've also decided on Cotto as my pick. Think he's to versatile as you mentioned and his ability to go to the body hard will open up Clottey for head shots. — Jesse, Ft. Worth, Texas

Thanks Jesse. I was happy to feed the hunger. As a hardcore boxing nut, I know how it is. There was a lot of details I didn’t have time or space to include in this week’s column, but I’ll save it for future columns and I’ll continue to hit the gyms and let real fans know what’s going on.

As for Cotto-Clottey, I also believe that Puerto Rican’s body attack will put Clottey on the defensive (which for him is just standing there with his gloves and forearms pressed against his ribs and chest and soften him for accurate head shots. I also believe that Cotto’s underrated footwork will give Clottey fits.


Mr. Fischer,
First let me thank you on your column about Robert Guerrero. It is great to hear that his mind is clear and that he can now continue with his career full steam ahead and I certainly hope his wife will continue to get better.

Second, “Boxing columnist Steve Kim, a Wild Card regular, was finishing up his workout when I arrived. While the heavyweights sparred, we talked shop.(And yes, we’re still cool, folks, so would the readers who keep emailing me and asking if we’ve got some sort of “beef” please stop being so damned silly. We’re boxing writers, for God’s sake, not gangsta rappers circa 1995.)”

Great line and it is relieving news that you two parted ways on good terms let me say this for us all boxing fans, you two have been a credit to the game and I appreciate your analysis on the big fights and the witness to the “Gym Wars” Keep up the great work and Take care,

Thanks for your time. — Kenny A.

Thanks for the kind words, Kenny. Guerrero seems to be in good spirits, but focused and intense. He’s putting the work in to get back to his top form. I think he’s going to take care of biz against Johnnie Walker. I’m hoping that fight goes some rounds because Robert needs some time in the ring to work on his boxing basics. If he looks as sharp as he did a year and a half ago, I think should be ready for a top 10 contender in his next fight.

I’d love to see Guerrero match skill and heart with the likes of Jorge Linares and Rocky Martinez by December or early next year.

Regarding Kim, it doesn’t matter if we’re working for the same website/company or not, I have the utmost respect for the K-Hammer and I think he’s one of the best boxing columnists in the game right now. He’s paid his dues and he has to be considered a young vet.

MAY 30

Hey Doug,
I just read your boxing gym notes, which were great by the way. Why should I move to SoCal? I have YOU.

Seriously though, it’s great to know what’s going on down there. Not enough boxing news up here in Montreal and there is only so much Hockey I can take.

By the way, by your car with no aircon I assume your still driving the Corolla? I had a ’90, those things will last forever. I took mine to 380,000 kms.

The May 30 HBO card is starting to sound interesting even though I’ve kind of given up on Kermit Cintron. He really left a bad taste in my mouth in his fight against Sergio Martinez. I think (and hope) that Alfredo Angulo takes care of business, and I agree Cotto beats Clottey, though I don’t know if he stops him.

Have a good one man. — Steve, Montreal

I don’t envision Cotto stopping Clottey. If he does, I think we can all consider him to be “back” from his brutal loss to Margarito. If he wants to make a statement to earn a shot at Pacquiao, I think that would do it.

I’m looking forward to Angulo-Cintron. I think Cintron has to know that this is a must-win fight for him and Angulo always comes 100% prepared to deliver. I might be a hell of fight, Angulo’s aggression and sharp punches vs. Cintron’s experience and power. However, if it is a barnburner, I don’t think the action will last more than a few rounds because “Perro” has too much heart for Kermit. I like Angulo by late stoppage.

I am still driving my ’94 Toyota Corolla, Steve. I’m looking into buying a new (or newer) car sometime this summer. I’m getting too old to take this L.A. traffic AND heat.


Hey Doug,
First, I have to say the “Three days, four gyms” article was great; classic ending, too. Nothing wrong with Chili's. Speaking of Angulo, I do like him against Cintron on May 30.

I also like Cotto over Clottey, though it's definitely not going to be easy for him.

Floyd Mayweather getting $15 million guaranteed was shocking when I read that a few days ago. Good luck with those PPV numbers (though I'm sure the King of Boxing will have no trouble piling up the numbers…it surely wasn't De la Hoya or Hatton who brought in the fans, right? Of course it was Floyd). Not gonna get deep into the whole Floyd debate…don't like the guy as a person but I can acknowledge and respect how talented he is and I leave it at that. Of course we'll have to listen to the Floyd fanatics tell us he's the greatest thing in the history of the galaxy, he'll fight anyone, has never ducked anyone. Sorry, let me stop laughing first. If he doesn't end up fighting Pacquiao until next year, at least it looks like he'll have to fight an actual welterweight after Marquez. Yes, WELTERweight. Hey, maybe he's just waiting for Shane Mosley to hit 40. And speaking of Marquez, it seems a lot of people are taking him for granted, already
setting up Floyd's future match-ups. Let's slow down for a second. I'm not making a prediction on the fight either way, but Marquez is no joke. It's a shame that he's been generally overlooked for so long.

In other news, have you heard anything else about Kelly Pavlik, in terms of withdrawing from the Sergio Mora fight as well as who/when he may fight next?

That's all I have for now. Happy Birthday, Doug. — Jesse, New Jersey

Something tells me Pavlik wants to move on bigger and better things once his hand heals. If he doesn’t HAVE to fight Mora — who has a style that will trouble him — I think he’ll try to get Arthur Abraham in the ring because that’s a fight that could get him back on HBO (or Showtime) and would net him more money.

I’ll believe Mayweather will fight a real, quality welterweight this year (or any year) when I actually see it. So far the best welterweights he’s ever faced were Sharmba Mitchell, Zab Judah and Carlos Baldomir, not exactly murderer’s row at a 147 pounds. That trio doesn’t make me think of Donald Curry, Simon Brown, or Felix Trinidad. The guy is making a natural featherweight fight him at 147 pounds, what makes you think he’ll risk his hide fighting the likes of Shane Mosley or Miguel Cotto?

Anyway, I agree that Marquez shouldn’t be counted out, even with Mayweather weighing as heavy as 147 pounds. At the end of the day, Marquez can flat-out fight any style; he’s got skill, technique, experience, and more heart than Mayweather has ever shown. He dealt with Manny Pacquiao’s speed and power; he can deal with Mayweather’s. He figured out Joel Casamayor; he can figure out Floyd. He survived Juan Diaz’s onslaught and KO’d the kid; he can survive whatever attack Needs Money puts on him and teach the King of Boxing how to KTFO.


Hi Doug,
I'm remembering the older days when I use to look out for your mail bags at max-box. I'm happy for your career moves if everything is the way it should be for you. All the best.

Your pieces have always been, and still are, awesome. Very interesting as usual. I have some questions about your thoughts on match ups and other stuff.

I'm picking Cotto over Clottey. Then a draw with Manny if not a late TKO victory for Cotto. His body attack and choice combinations I think are too much for the naturally smaller good man. Unless of course he's damaged goods from his loss to Antonio.

Angulo vs Cintron – Is this a build up fight for Angulo? I feel like Cintron might be a shot fighter despite his age. Who is training him these days?

M vs M : WTF is up with the catch weights! I hope Marquez borrows his little brothers hands and either breaks a rib or checks the chin of “Needs Money- May”. Something feels like a boring fight of catch the running bigger man.

I'm a personal trainer / nutrition lifestyle coach- If I had Marquez as a client, I would have him unstressed about moving to 147. Come in at 140. Solid, fast, and ready to cut off the ring and move his head. Knock the SH-T out of Floyd. Watch and study early vintage Roberto Duran.

Oh and just in case you wondered, I'm Filipino. I would rather see a 3rd fight with the above mentioned Flip purely because I have more respect for fighters who fight/ boxers who fight and trainers who TRAIN and SHUT THE F—K up. Ha. Ha. Ha. But I try and keep it real with the Manny bandwagon. Simple and real. Oscar was drained and improperly trained. Hatton, well he missed what was coming at him and forgot to duck. Manny is handled well. Just as Cotto was. Just as Oscar was and just as Zab Judah never was.. Brooklyn Yo!! Brooklyn!! What Up!? Sorry. I couldn't resist. I'm from Queens myself.

Where is David Tua these days? Whenever I see Michael Moorer, I remember his last fight with DT when he was caught in the first round. It was pretty bad man. I miss James Toney. It would have been terrific if he was ever to put things together as either a light heavyweight, cruiser, or heavyweight. So much skill and talent.

Wonder match up – Miranda vs Mayorga. Who would win?

Where does Jermain Taylor go after the last lost? I felt bad for the kid looks almost the way of Jeff Lacy. How about a match up with Roy Jones? Not. I don't expect to be on line with this stuff but I'd love to hear back. If you're ever going to be in NYC. Please give a hit on the email. I'd love to talk boxing. Respect. — ZO

I’ll be in NYC for the BWAA annual dinner and award ceremony, and the Cotto-Clottey fight.

I’d like to see Taylor try and get some revenge on Carl Froch in a rematch if he can land it, and if not, I wouldn’t mind seeing him challenge one of the other 168-pound titleholders like Bute or Kessler if he can win an interim fight against a solid badass like Sakio Bika or Librado Andrade. If he can’t beat those guys, he’s going to become a stepping stone for young guns like Andre Ward and Dre Dirrell.

Miranda is too big for Mayorga, IMO, but it would be a fun fight.

Tua is semi-retired. He won’t fight a decent heavyweight unless he’s getting $1 million, so we may never hear form him again. I still wouldn’t mind seeing Toney-Tua. I think Toney beats the Samoan slugger.

I agree that Marquez should not come in any heavier than 140 pounds, so he can keep his speed and reflexes, which will be very important fighting a fast boxer/counter puncher like Mayweather.

Last I heard, Ronnie Shields was training Cintron. You know who trains Angulo? Clemente Medina. How about a little props for the job he’s done with “Perro”, folks?

Thanks for the kind words, ZO. Maybe I’ll see you in New York City next month.


Hi Doug,
Just wanted to say I appreciate your writing. I met you briefly at the Toyota Center's backstage area at the Díaz-Márquez card in Houston earlier this year.

I had a question regarding your trip to the Wild Card earlier this week. I'm aware of Andrei Arlovski's pro debut coming up on the undercard of the Ortiz-Maidana fight. Will his pro debut be set at four rounds? I had previously heard that his debut would be a six-rounder.

Keep up the good work, and Happy Belated Birthday. — Jaime

I don’t know how many rounds Arlovski’s scheduled to fight, but going six rounds in his first pro boxing match seems like a mistake to me. The giant looks pretty raw to my eyes, and as big as he is, he could run out of gas rather quickly if he finds himself in a shootout. Of course, they’re probably going to find him a total stiff to fight, so it doesn’t matter how many rounds it’s scheduled to go. But I’ll ask Roach if the MMA star is going four or six rounds in his boxing pro debut the next time I visit the Wild Card.

Dougie can be reached at [email protected]